Package Foundational Definition

Package name. This is searchable and displayed when choosing the package. CenturyLink has defined a naming standard for public packages which you may leverage.


Each package must have a globally unique 32 character GUID. A new value has been generated for you. If this is replacing an existing package place update with your current GUID. Blueprints connect to Packages using this GUID so to prevent breaking for minior changes reuse the GUID. Likewise to create a new incompatible package release choose a new GUID.

Script command to be executed when running blueprint package. Any parameters you create will be automatically appended to the end of this command and made available to your script.

If yes will reboot the server after this package successfully executes. Use of this is strongly recommended in lieu of rebooting as part of your scripts for proper tracking of server state.

If no the package will be removed after successful execution. To keep package binaries and configuration on the server after execution set to Yes. This is typically only enabled to support debugging.

User Parameters
Select multiple
System Parameters

Help is a descriptive string shown to customers when entering this data.
Required sets whether parameter must be populated.
Prompt assigns when data is prompted (none - default value must be supplied, build - at deploy time, design - when adding package to a new blueprint design, global - at deploy time and parameter can be visible to all packages in a blueprint).
Default is the default value if user doesn't specify a value.