Process Cleanup Scheduled Job

To enable the process cleanup scheduled job, set the following properties in the MDW configuration file (
  # Scheduled job - process clean up.
  # run daily at 2:30 am
  mdw.timer.task.ProcessCleanup.Schedule=30 2 * * ? *
  # cleanup script to execute from scheduled job
  # minimum age (in days) before process instance data is eligible for cleanup
  # maximum number of instance rows to clean up during one job execution
  # minimum age (in days) before event instance data is eligible for cleanup
In this example the MDW db cleanup job is scheduled to run every day at 2:30 am and will delete process and event instance data for completed processes older than 180 days.

The default MDW cleanup scripts are available here: Cleanup-Runtime

These scripts are built into the MDW framework modules, so if these defaults are suitable then they don't need to be deployed separately with a workflow application. If an application has custom cleanup requirements, then they can deliver a custom version of Cleanup-Runtime.sql (or any other name referenced in the property setting). The custom cleanup script should be delivered into the application configuration directory.