- All Implemented Interfaces:
- RegisteredService, ScheduledJob
public class ProcessCleanup
extends java.lang.Object
implements ScheduledJob
This script cleans up old database entries from tables that are older than a specified time
Make sure appropriate db package is imported and Cleanup-Runtime.sql is there.
Add following to mdw.yaml
ProcessCleanup: # run every 15 min
TimerClass: com.centurylink.mdw.timer.cleanup.ProcessCleanup
Schedule: 0,15,30,45 * * * * # to run daily at 2:30 am use : Schedule: 30 2 * * ? *
RuntimeCleanupScript: Cleanup-Runtime.sql
ProcessExpirationAgeInDays: 225 #How old process instance should be to be a candidate for deleting
MaximumProcessExpiration: 1 #How many process instances to be deleted in each run
ExternalEventExpirationAgeInDays: 225
CommitInterval: 1000
if you need to make change in above properties then first delete the db entry by identifying the row using
this sql: select * from event_instance where event_name like '%ScheduledJob%'
Then re-start the server/instance for new clean-up properties to be effective.