Command Line Interface


The MDW Command Line Interface has commands for common operations like initializing a workspace and updating assets.


  • Make sure Java 8 JDK is installed and on your system path (before any non-JDK JREs).
  • Download from the latest MDW release on GitHub:
  • Unzip anywhere on your hard drive.
  • Create an environment variable named MDW_HOME pointing to this location, and add its bin directory to your system PATH.


mdw [command] [command options]
Most commands work best if you cd into the main project directory before executing. The exceptions are init and import, which you may want to run before a project directory even exists. When executed in a valid MDW main project directory, commands will find values such as asset-loc and git-remote-url from the project config files. Otherwise you’ll have to include all required (non-defaulted) settings via the options shown below.

    help      Syntax Help
      Usage: help

    init      Initialize an MDW project
      Usage: init [options] <project>

    import    Import assets from Git (HARD RESET!)
      Usage: import [options]

    update    Update MDW assets locally via Discovery
      Usage: update [options]

    install   Install MDW
      Usage: install [options]

    run       Run MDW
      Usage: run [options]

    version   MDW CLI Version
      Usage: version

    convert   Convert .properties to .yaml config
      Usage: convert --input=[propFile]

    git       Git commands
      Usage: git [args]

    status    Project status
      Usage: status [options]

    archive   Asset ref info (--show for contents)
      Usage: archive [options]
    codegen   Generate source code
      Usage: codegen --code-type=swagger --input-spec=
    General Options ("mdw help" for command-specific options):
        Asset location
        Default: assets
        MDW Base Asset Packages (comma-separated)
        DB Password
        Default: mdw
        JDBC URL (without credentials)
        Default: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3308/mdw
        DB User
        Default: mdw
        Display CLI debug information
        Default: false
        Asset Discovery URL
        Force overwrite, even on localhost or when branch disagrees
        Default: false
        Git branch
        Default: master
        Git password
        Git repository URL
        Git user
        Default: anonymous
        MDW Version
        MDW releases Maven repo URL
        MDW service base URL
        Default: http://localhost:8080/mdw/services
        Whether to include snapshot builds
        Default: false    

Quick Start

The Quick Start has step-by-step instructions on how to use the CLI to get running quickly with MDW.

Git Commands

MDW supports mdw git commands through the JGit Command API.


  • Install mdw.war for Tomcat on Linux
      mdw install --webapps-dir=/var/lib/tomcat8/webapps --mdw-version=6.1.01
  • MDW status
      mdw status
  • Git Status
      mdw git status
  • Git Log for Author with Grep
      mdw git log --author donaldoakes --grep cli