Built-In Activities

These are the activities that ship with MDW out-of-the-box.

Activity Description
Autoform Manual Task Manual task with a workflow-generated input form.
Camel Route Adapter Spawns a Camel route.
Crossmap Activity Simple Groovy-based DSL to transform JSON or XML input to JSON or XML output.
Custom Manual Task Creates a manual task instance with a custom UI page.
Document Web Service Consume a SOAP document-style web service.
Drools Activity Apply a Drools ruleset.
Decision Table Apply rules through an Excel spreadsheet.
Dynamic Java Quick and simple Java execution (compare to full-blown custom activity).
Email Notification Send an email through SMTP.
Event Check Continue if the designated event has been received.
Event Publish Send an event.
Event Wait Wait for the designated event.
Execute Script Groovy, Kotlin or JavaScript.
Expression Evaluator Direct outbound flow according to an expression.
File Writer Write a file on the server file system.
Invoke Multiple Subprocesses Launch multiple subflows.
Invoke Subprocess Invoke a single subflow.
JDBC SQL Adapter Quick and dirty db access.
JMS Adapter Send messages to a JMS queue.
Kafka Adapter Publish a message to Apache Kafka.
Kotlin Script Publish a message to Apache Kafka.
LDAP Adapter Query LDAP entities and attributes.
MS Teams Notify Notify a Microsoft Teams channel.
Microservice Dependencies Wait Await microservice response condition(s).
Microservice Error Handler Handle microservice orchestration errors.
Microservice Orchestrator Declaritive execution of multiple, dependent microservices.
Microservice REST Adapter Specialized for microservice consumption.
Multi-Publish REST Adapter Invoke multiple REST endpoints.
Process Pause Pause a process flow.
Process Start Always the first activity in any flow.
Process Stop Stop this process.
REST Adapter General purpose REST service invocation.
RPC SOAP Adapter Consume a SOAP RPC-based service.
SendGrid Email Send an email through SendGrid.
ServiceNow Adapter Create a ServiceNow incident.
ServiceNow Task Create a manual task with corresponding ServiceNow incident.
Slack Notify Send a Slack notification.
Swagger Validator Validate request against Swagger specification.
Synchronization Activity Coordinate parallel execution paths.
Timer Wait Wait for a specified interval.
Velocity Template Apply a Velocity template.
XML Transform Transforming XML documents using XSLT or GPath.