MDW Configuration
- Used at design time by MDW Studio and the CLI.
- Belongs in the root directory of your project (or root module for multi-module builds).
- Contains bootstrap information to locate mdw.yaml and project assets.
- Also may include custom values (like workgroups) that are needed at design time.
- Not used at runtime.
# paths are relative to the location of this file mdw: version: 6.1.28 asset: location: assets config: location: config data: workgroups: - Developers - MDW Support
- Used at runtime by the MDW server.
- Specify your config directory via the
system property. - To convert from old-style to mdw.yaml, run the CLI command
mdw convert
. - Encrypted values (via
mdw encrypt
) start with~[
and end with]
. Requires MDW_APP_TOKEN environment variable. Note: when running the CLI commandmdw encrypt --input=my_value_to_encrypt
, the MDW_APP_TOKEN value must be defined in the shell where the command is executed. -
Here’s an annotated example describing MDW’s configuration options:
(Please do not use this as a starting point as it contains inappropriate/non-default values for illustration.
Instead run themdw init
CLI command to generate from the latest template).app: id: my-project # required configs: - myconfig.yaml # container settings (leave these properties as shown except for unusual scenarios) container: datasource.provider: Tomcat # required messenger: jms # required jms.provider: ActiveMQ # required threadpool.provider: MDW # required classic.classloading: false # Load classes from runnable JAR/WAR first - default=false # optional settings for activemq (For overriding values in application-context.xml) activemq: location: activemq-data # Has to be relative to startup directory - default=../activemq-data port: 61619 # default=61618 maxConnections: 10 # Max connections in JMS pool - default=8 # database connection information (below is typical for embedded db) database: driver: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver # required url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3308/mdw # required username: mdw # required password: mdw # or encrypted form: ~[HDIGDNBIDJCCNHOB] poolsize: 10 # default=5 poolMaxIdle: 3 # default=5 validationQuery: select 1 from dual # required transaction.isolation: 4 # default=2 (READ_COMMITTED) # save datetime/timestamp using microsecond precision microsecond.precision: true # default=false # log all queries and timings trace: false # default=false # embedded db db.base.location: ../data # default=assetLoc + "/../data/db" ../data/mdw # default=assetLoc + "/../data/mdw" db.startup: # extra startup params (default = none) - --lower-case-table-names=1 # optional mongodb (requires asset package com.centurylink.mdw.mongo) mongodb: host: localhost # Can also be URI (i.e. host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017) port: 27017 # default = 27017 (Note: If host is URI, port property is ignored) name: mdw # default = mdw # asset location info asset: location: assets # required history.days: 730 # default=(0 in dev; 365 elsewhere) # git repository git: local.path: . # required remote.url: # required branch: master # required (unless using tag below - tag is ignored if branch is specified) tag: march_2020_release # optional (used instead of branch above) auto.pull: false # default=false user: anonymous password: onlyifrequired # blindly trust https certificate fetch: true # fetch when checking for diffs - default=true except in dev temp.dir: mdw/.temp # default=mdw/.temp attachments.dir: mdw/attach # default=mdw/attachments hub.url: http://localhost:8080/mdw # required services.url: http://localhost:8080/mdw # required websocket.url: none # 'none' to use polling; otherwise don't set discovery.url: # default= docs.url: # default= # for SLF4J and SimpleLogger logging: level: DEBUG # default=INFO activity: enabled: true # enable activity logging default=true cleanup: enabled: true # default=true retain: 30 # default=90 (days) roller: enabled: true retain: 7 # default=30 (days) files: - /var/log/mdw/mdw.log # scripting support (custom executors should implement ScriptExecutor) script: executors: groovy: com.centurylink.mdw.script.GroovyExecutor javascript: com.centurylink.mdw.script.JavaScriptExecutor # JavaMail notifications mail: mymailhost smtp.port: 25 connection.timeout: 10000 smtp.timeout: 10000 user: smtpuser password: smtppass # Slack notifications slack.webhook.url: ~[encrypted_webhook_url] # MS Teams notifications msteams.webhook.url: ~[encrypted_webhook_url] # for LDAP adapter activity ldap: host: port: 1636 base.dn: dc=mydc,dc=example # scheduled jobs registration timer.InitialDelay: 120 # (seconds) default=120 timer.CheckInterval: 60 # (seconds) default=60 timer.ThresholdForDelay: 30 # (minutes) default=60 # scheduled job for retriggering stuck activites StuckActivities: job: enabled: true # default=false scheduler: 30 12 * * ? * # cron expression defining the schedule (example shows daily at 12:30 AM) ActivityAgeInSeconds: 2000 # minimum age of eligible activities default=1800 MaximumActivities: 100 # maximum number of activities processed per cycle default=10 # scheduled job for periodic cleanup of old completed mdw data from the DB cleanup: job: enabled: true # this enables the scheduling of the cleanup job cleanupscheduler: 30 00 * * ? * # the schedule to run . this runs at 12:30 AM ProcessExpirationAgeInDays: 180 maxProcesses: 0 eventExpirationDays: 180 commitInterval: 1000 RuntimeCleanupScript: Cleanup-Runtime.sql # Wait Activity Fallback Processing wait: fallback: stagger: 60 # seconds offset between scheduling scan for each activity - default=30 max: 20 # maximum number of activity instances to trigger per cycle - default=100 age: 1200 # minimum age in seconds of waiting activity instances to process - default=600 timer.wait.fallback.enabled: true # enable fallback processing for timer wait activities - default=false dependencies.wait.fallback.enabled: true # enable fallback processing for dependencies waits - default=false # Custom JWT Providers jwt: custom: # Example of a custom JWT provider issuer: # issuer of token userClaim: userid # claim containing the authenticated user key: # actual public rsa encryption key to decrypt JWT algorithm: # Optional constraint to verify against JWT subject: # Optional constraint to verify against JWT provider2: # Example of second custom JWT provider issuer: # issuer of token userClaim: userid # claim containing the authenticated user key: # actual public rsa encryption key to decrypt JWT algorithm: # Optional constraint to verify against JWT subject: # Optional constraint to verify against JWT jwt.preserve: true # Passes JWT to service in headers Map object - default=false # filepanel: root.dirs: ./logs,./config exclude.patterns: '**/temp/*' masked.lines: 'password:' # default=mdw.database.password=,LDAP-AppPassword=,password: # Dashboard system metrics history system.metrics.location: ./logs # if not specified, no history will be retained # threadpool: max_threads: 10 # default=10 core_threads: 5 # default=((max_threads/2)>50?50:(max_threads/2)) queue_size: 20 # default=(max_threads>100?100:20) keep_alive: 300 # default=300 termination_timeout: 120 # default=120 # prefix, add worker_name.min_threads/max_threads worker: my-worker jms: listener: poll.interval: 10 # (ms) default=5 receive.timeout: 180 # (ms) default=300 java: compiler.options: '-deprecation -nowarn' compiler.classpath: '/opt/important/impl.jar' library.path: '/opt/custom:/opt/other' runtime.classpath: '/opt/important/impl.jar' milestone: groups: # list of milestone groups GroupOne: color: '#990099' GroupTwo: color: '#ff9900' description: 'Describe me' activity: resume.delay: 3 # (seconds) default=2 active.max.retry: 10 # default=5 process: launch.delay: 3 # (seconds) default=2 uniqueMasterRequestId: true # default=false # performance: level.service: 5 # default=3 level.regular: 5 # default=3 # capture activity timings timings: activities: true # default=false # formatting options for json output json: pretty.indent: 2 # pretty-print output with this indent level ordered.keys: true # property and object names are sorted (default=true) false.values.output: false # include false booleans when serializing output (default=false) engine: use.transaction: false # default=false transaction: retry.interval: 500 # (ms) default=1000 retry.max: 5 # default=3 internal.event: consume.retry.sleep: 3 # (seconds) default=2 dev.cleanup: true # default=true max.batch.size: 500 # default=1000 memory.range: 2880 # (minutes) default=1440 check.delay: 120 # (seconds) default=90 check.interval: 180 # (seconds) default=300 max.batch.size: 500 # default=1000 # (WARNING: Never set lower than mdw.timer.ThresholdForDelay which is in minutes) min.age: 3600 # default=3600, min=300 hub: override.package: my-hub # default=mdw-hub action.definition: my-task-actions.xml # default=mdw-task-actions.xml translator: xmlbeans.load.options: # for XmlOptions.put() # for XmlOptions.put() test: results.location: ./mytestresults # default=git/local.path+"/testResults" summary.file: myfile.json # default=mdw-function-test-results.json routing.servers: localhost: ports: - 8080 requestrouting: enabled: true # default=false https.enabled: true # default=false default.strategy: com.centurylink.mdw.routing.LoadBasedRoutingStrategy active.server.interval: 20 # (seconds) default=15 timeout: 180 # (seconds) default=300
- Controls access to MDWHub and the services API
Here’s an annotated example:
# If upstreamHosts is populated then access is restricted to this list # unless running in dev mode (-Dmdw.runtime.env=dev). upstreamHosts: - - 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 # Auth methods supported include ct (ClearTrust Web Agent) # or mdw (or other JWT provider). Default is mdw. # If using other JWT provider, must configure via properties (mdw.yml) authMethod: mdw # This is the header we trust to specify the authenticated user id. # NOTE: This is only secure when upstreamHosts is enforced. #authUserHeader: remote-user # Allows access to all UI functions and Service APIs permitted for this # user without authenticating. Requires "-Dmdw.runtime.env=dev" system property. devUser: mdwapp # Auth exclusions are patterns that can be accessed directly # without authentication even when running with protection # (upstreamHosts != null & not in dev mode). # In the cases where the pattern accesses a service, it falls to # the specific service to handle access (i.e. based on HTTP method and/or path) authExclusions: - '/login' - '/error' - '/js/nav.json' - '/images/*' - '/css/*' - '/doc/*' - '/javadoc/*' - '/api-docs/*' - '/services/AppSummary' - '/services/System/sysInfo' - '/services/com/centurylink/mdw/slack' - '/services/com/centurylink/mdw/slack/event' # Headers appended to all HTTP servlet responses. responseHeaders: X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge # Session timeout in seconds (if not specified, container will govern). sessionTimeout: 3600 # Allowing any authenticated user means even those not in mdw's db. allowAnyAuthenticatedUser: false # Special options for logging loggingOptions: logResponseTimes: false logHeaders: false logParameters: false
- With Embedded DB, designated users are inserted when db is created (no effect once db exists – delete data directory to recreate with different users).
- Here’s an example:
{ "users": [ { "name": "MDW Application", "id": "mdwapp", "attributes": { "Email": "" }, "groups": [ "Developers", "Site Admin" ], "roles": [ "User Admin", "Process Execution", "Process Design", "Task Execution" ] } ] }
*.spring assets
- Include .spring assets in any package to make resources like datasources available to your application.
- Here’s an example .spring asset that declares a datasource:
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <bean id="myDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverClassName" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.database.driver')}" /> <property name="url" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.db.url')}" /> <property name="username" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.db.username')}" /> <property name="password" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.db.password')}" /> <property name="maxTotal" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.database.poolsize')}" /> <property name="maxIdle" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getProperty('my.database.poolMaxIdle')}" /> <property name="validationQuery" value="SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" /> <property name="testOnBorrow" value="true" /> <property name="testWhileIdle" value="true" /> <property name="removeAbandonedOnBorrow" value="true" /> <property name="logAbandoned" value="true" /> <property name="removeAbandonedTimeout" value="#{T(com.centurylink.mdw.config.PropertyManager).getIntegerProperty('mdw.database.timeout',1000)}" /> </bean> </bean>