Built-In Activities
These are the activities that ship with MDW out-of-the-box.
Activity | Description |
Autoform Manual Task | Manual task with a workflow-generated input form. |
Camel Route Adapter | Spawns a Camel route. |
Crossmap Activity | Simple Groovy-based DSL to transform JSON or XML input to JSON or XML output. |
Custom Manual Task | Creates a manual task instance with a custom UI page. |
Document Web Service | Consume a SOAP document-style web service. |
Drools Activity | Apply a Drools ruleset. |
Decision Table | Apply rules through an Excel spreadsheet. |
Dynamic Java | Quick and simple Java execution (compare to full-blown custom activity). |
Email Notification | Send an email through SMTP. |
Event Check | Continue if the designated event has been received. |
Event Publish | Send an event. |
Event Wait | Wait for the designated event. |
Execute Script | Groovy, Kotlin or JavaScript. |
Expression Evaluator | Direct outbound flow according to an expression. |
File Writer | Write a file on the server file system. |
Invoke Multiple Subprocesses | Launch multiple subflows. |
Invoke Subprocess | Invoke a single subflow. |
JDBC SQL Adapter | Quick and dirty db access. |
JMS Adapter | Send messages to a JMS queue. |
Kafka Adapter | Publish a message to Apache Kafka. |
Kotlin Script | Publish a message to Apache Kafka. |
LDAP Adapter | Query LDAP entities and attributes. |
MS Teams Notify | Notify a Microsoft Teams channel. |
Microservice Dependencies Wait | Await microservice response condition(s). |
Microservice Error Handler | Handle microservice orchestration errors. |
Microservice Orchestrator | Declaritive execution of multiple, dependent microservices. |
Microservice REST Adapter | Specialized for microservice consumption. |
Multi-Publish REST Adapter | Invoke multiple REST endpoints. |
Process Pause | Pause a process flow. |
Process Start | Always the first activity in any flow. |
Process Stop | Stop this process. |
REST Adapter | General purpose REST service invocation. |
RPC SOAP Adapter | Consume a SOAP RPC-based service. |
SendGrid Email | Send an email through SendGrid. |
ServiceNow Adapter | Create a ServiceNow incident. |
ServiceNow Task | Create a manual task with corresponding ServiceNow incident. |
Slack Notify | Send a Slack notification. |
Swagger Validator | Validate request against Swagger specification. |
Synchronization Activity | Coordinate parallel execution paths. |
Timer Wait | Wait for a specified interval. |
Velocity Template | Apply a Velocity template. |
XML Transform | Transforming XML documents using XSLT or GPath. |